Description : Kendall Jenner Inspired Hairstyles Game - Hair Braiding Games
Kendall Jenner Inspired Hairstyles : First of all, you will have to prepare your model's long hair locks for the styling part by carefully wash it with a professional shampoo, conditioner and don't forget to also apply a nourishing hair mask for a complete hair caring routine. Once you are done, you can then decide on the hairstyle you want to learn to recreate by selecting between: cornrows, voluminous layers and the sleek and straight hairstyle, by far Kendall's favorite updo. Follow the step by step instructions on order to make the chosen hairstyle and don't forget to also accessorize it with sparkling bejeweled hair pins or with playful ribbons. Have a great time!
You are playing Kendall Jenner Inspired Hairstyles . Do not forget to play one of the other great Hairstyle Games at www.StarSue.Net